Friday, November 28, 2014

                                                  PLANNING MEETING!!

An effective planning meeting is a product of preparation, leadership, group participation, open communication, time management and a clear understanding by everyone of what the meeting is supposed to accomplish. Its process and effectiveness are further measured by feedback during and after the meeting as well as by how the assignments made and decisions reached are implemented
The Planning meeting for AIM section was successfully held at the Aviation House building, Banana Junction Ukonga Dar es Salaam. 

                                                    Delegates of the Meeting pose with their smiling faces

More pictures will follow soon!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Question of the day

What differentiate the current AIM from the former AIS? Are there any recognized changes to make us feel we are truly in AIM era? Adinan Mvungi (15th October 2014 on AGM hosting Committee meeting)
Yes, The paper works has been reduced 20-30%, today the sharing of information is mostly online a simple example is the distribution of the NOTAM current which goes directly through the TCAA's website, our customers access it easily,  AIC's are also distributed to the stations through mails, that makes it easy to amend the AIP's and AIC''s as well (each office has its own email). However we are still behind in some basic issues like filing the flight plan for scheduled airlines, take an example Precision air flight plans, why can't we make it repetitive? Also the essue of electronic AIP, I am not sure if we have bought already the so called CD dublicator  - Kisesa

 Roles, skills and qualities of information management officers

In general, information management officers play important roles in ensuring effective information management and in identifying information needs and requirements throughout the organization’s business activities. The technology can only assist in processing the data into information that officers can later digest as knowledge and innovation. Only people who can determine which information is useful and which is not in the knowledge creation process are therefore information management officers.
Even if the qualification, qualities and skills differ from one organization to another, but there are common roles, skills and qualities such collection of information, information analysis and information dissemination.
Role of information management officers

To acquire, collect and deliver information (e.g. Reports, records).
To identify the quality and evaluate information effectively.
To identify organizations’ information needs and requirement.
To identify and analyze customers and competitors and facilitate effective communication
To develop and maintain library, database, online information resources and websites.
To conduct organizational environmental scanning for external and internal information.
To conduct and manage research projects and participate in decision making with superiors.
Skills and qualities for information management officers

Ability to collect, organize, store and utilize information and knowledge.
To have background, skills and professional in information and knowledge management.
Good communication and ability to work in a team and ascertain customer needs
Strong IT application skills 
Strong awareness of the business/working environment, leadership skills and management experience
To be innovative and creative in creating new strategies to improve services and enhance the organization to attain its goals, and objectives.

Source: ‘‘Rivers of knowledge’’ by Karen Bishop, 2001
Aeronautical information management (AIM)
 -The dynamic, integrated management of aeronautical information services -safely, economically and efficiently — through the provision and exchange of quality-assured digital aeronautical data in collaboration with all parties.
What is information management? 
Individual researchers, Article authors, government agencies and organizations define differently information management. For example, Wilson, T.D. (2002) defined information management as application of management principles to the acquisition, organization, control, dissemination and use of information relevant to the effective operation of organizations of all kinds.  Wilson insists that in his definition 'Information' refers to all types of information of value, whether having their origin inside or outside the organization, including data resources, such as production data; records and files related, for example, to the personnel function; market research data; and competitive intelligence from a wide range of sources. He views information management to deal with the value, quality, ownership, use and security of information in the context of organizational performance.

US Government Accountability Office define information management as "the planning, budgeting, manipulating, and controlling of information throughout its life cycle,"

According to Computer Desktop Encyclopedia information management is a discipline that analyzes information as an organizational resource. It covers the definitions, uses, value and distribution of all data and information within an organization whether processed by computer or not. It evaluates the kinds of data/information an organization requires in order to function and progress effectively.

James Robertson (2005) described ‘Information management’ as an umbrella term that encompasses all the systems and processes within an organization for the creation and use of corporate information. He further insists that, in technologically information management encompasses systems such as:     
  1. Web content management (CM)   
  2.  Document management (DM) 
  3.   Records management (RM) 
  4.  Digital asset management (DAM) 
  5.  Learning management systems (LM) 
  6.  Learning content management systems (LCM) 
  7.   Collaboration   Enterprise search and many more.
However, he stresses that information management is much more than just technology. Equally importantly, it is about the business practices and processes that underpin the creation and use of information. It is also about the information itself, including the structure of information (information architecture), metadata, content quality, and more. Information management is meaningless if it doesn't involve people, processes, technology and content.
Go through to get more understanding of how it use to be compared to now, and how the situation will be in the future!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) is the digital representation of terrain and obstacles provided as datasets satisfying user requirements for a series of airborne and ground application such as  Procedure Design etc.

Friday, September 5, 2014


NOTAM, "NOtice To AirMen", are notices containing essential flight operation information not known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means. Just like weather reports, they include endless abbrieviated text (known as a contraction) which are sometimes difficult to figure out. 

Types of NOTAM's include the following: 

  •          NOTAM(D): Information that requires wide dissemination and pertains to enroute navigational aids, civil public use landing areas listed in the Airports Facility Directory and aeronautical data related to IFR operations. 
  •          NOTAM(L): Information that requires local dissemination, but does not qualify as NOTAM(D) information. This includes, but is not limited to, aircraft jettisoning fuel, bird activity, moored balloons, military training activity, etc.This type of NOTAM no longer exists, now part of "D" NOTAMs and distributed nationwide.
  •          FDC: Information that is regulatory in nature pertaining to flight including, but not limited to, changes to charts, procedures, and airspace usage. It includes TFRs

·       Types of "D" NOTAMs
           RWY 3/21 CLSD
         Runways 3 and 21 are closed to aircraft.
           TWY F LGTS OTS
           Taxiway F lights are out of service.
          The ramp in front of the east side of the terminal has ongoing construction.
           The apron near the southwest taxiway C in front of the hangars is closed.
          AD ABN OTS
           Aerodromes: The airport beacon is out of service.
           OBST TOWER 283 (246 AGL) 2.2 S LGTS OTS (ASR 1065881) TIL 0707272300
           Obstruction: The lights are out of service on a tower that is 283 feet above mean sea level (MSL) or 246 feet above ground level (AGL) 2.2 statute miles south of the field. The FCC antenna structure registration (ASR) number is 1065881. The lights will be returned to service 2300 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on July 27, 2007.
          NAV VOR OTS
           Navigation: The VOR located on this airport is out of service.
          COM ATIS OTS
          Communications: The Automatic Terminal Information
     Service (ATIS) is out of service.
          SVC TWR 1215-0330 MON-FRI/1430-2300 SAT/1600-0100 SUN TIL 0707300100
           Service: The control tower has new operating hours, 1215-0330 UTC Monday Thru Friday, 1430-2300 UTC on Saturday, and 1600-0100 UTC on Sunday until 0100 UTC on July 30, 2007.
           SVC FUEL UNAVBL TIL                               0707291600
            Service: All fuel for this airport is unavailable
                                                                                     until July  29, 2007 at 1600 UTC.

           SVC CUSTOMS UNAVBL                                                                                         TIL 0708150800
           Service: United States Customs service for this                                                                                                  airport   will not be available until August 15, 2007                                                                                         at 0800  UTC.
           AIRSPACE AIRSHOW ACFT 5000/BLW 5 NMR AIRPORT AVOIDANCE ADZD WEF 0707152000-0707152200
           Airspace. There is an airshow being held at this airport with aircraft flying 5000 feet and below within a 5 nautical mile radius. Avoidance is advised from 2000 UTC on July 15, 2007 until 2200 UTC on July 15, 2007.

Further codes please 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

There are tremendous changes since its construction 1995, it was formally named Kisauni airport and  later Zanzibar international airport. Recently  in honour of the first president of Zanzibar it was changed to Abeid Aman Karume International Airport in 2010.

 To increase its capacity here was construction of the new terminal at the airport, which began in February 2011. But it was halted in 2012 as some aspects did not comply well with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards.
Below is a new design of the airport by the Aéroports de Paris Ingénierie (ADPI), as we publish the work in great progress and expectation are such that, once completed this 25,000sq metre terminal in Zanzibar, will be able to handle 3 million passengers, what a progress to Zanzibar!!

Aircraft parking view-airside

 land side view

the progress

Monday, August 18, 2014

Briefing office Terminal I JNIA
One of the two TCAA's briefing offices at the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA). It is located in the air-side of the airport few meters from the passengers Apron. This office is very useful for crew members and Pilots departing to Zanzibar, Pemba, Buzwagi, Mtemere and many upcountry airstrips. It is the nearest office for them to file the flight plan and get a self brief of condition of facilities around their destination. 

Passenger Apron as seen from far

Self briefing board with NOTAM

A view of terminal one from first floor